Mapping Social Cohesion 2023
A tear in the fabric?

Continuing economic pressures alongside often contentious debates over local and geopolitical issues have created challenging national and global circumstances for social cohesion in 2023.
Australians have remained remarkably resilient, however findings from the 2023 Mapping Social Cohesion survey reveal our social cohesion is under pressure and declining on several fronts, straining the fabric of our communities.

2023 in review
Mapping Social Cohesion Report 2023
Seventeenth survey since 2007
Comprehensive survey of 100+ questions
7,500+ survey participants from across Australia
50+ in-depth qualitative interviews
Social Inclusion

Financial and cost-of-living pressures are affecting more Australians in 2023.

‘satisfied’ or ‘very satisfied’ with their finances

‘satisfied’ or ‘very satisfied’ with their finances

1 in 10
people struggled to pay their rent or mortgage ‘sometimes’ or ‘often’ in the last 12 months

1 in 10
people struggled to pay their rent or mortgage ‘sometimes’ or ‘often’ in the last 12 months

1 in 5
people found it difficult to afford healthcare ‘sometimes’ or ‘often’ in the last 12 months

1 in 5
people found it difficult to afford healthcare ‘sometimes’ or ‘often’ in the last 12 months
I feel people are really, really struggling big time. Even like my husband and I, we’re on a pretty decent income, and even now I feel like for the first time ever it’s pay-check to pay-check with the mortgage and groceries.
Australians aren’t just more worried about their own household budgets – concerns about economic inequality across society are growing too

84% agree
the gap between those with high and low incomes is too large

38% agree
that Australians on low incomes receive enough financial support

Increased financial stress and concern over inequality have broad implications for social cohesion — in particular, people’s sense of worth, and their connection to and participation in Australian society
People who are ‘poor’ or ‘struggling to pay their bills’ are much:
Less likely
To feel a great sense of belonging in Australia
More likely
To feel pessimistic about Australia’s future
(64%, compared to 41% of all Australians)

Over the last year, the sense of national pride and belonging in Australia has continued its downward trend

of people felt a great sense of belonging in Australia in 2023

of people took great pride in Australia’s culture and way of life
Declining national pride and belonging coincides with declining trust in government.

Trust in the Federal government
to do the right thing for Australian people ‘all’ or ‘most of the time’ dropped to 36% in 2023

1 in 3
people (30%) in 2023 believe leaders abuse their powers ‘most’ or ‘all of the time’
84% think it happens at least ‘some of the time’
So trust in the government I think is not there at the moment… Yeah, politics is a bit of lying, but it’s just been so full on in the last two to three years that people don’t trust them anymore.
Results across the survey suggest our trust in government and perceptions of economic fairness shapes our sense of national pride and belonging
Feeling a great sense of belonging in Australia is:

Much more likely
among those who trust the government ‘all’ or ‘most’ of the time
(61%, compared to 48% of all Australians)

Much less likely
among those who disagree that Australia is a land of economic opportunity
(36%, compared to 48% of all Australians)

Australians’ support for multiculturalism and immigration remains strong in 2023, as does belonging and cohesion at the local, neighbourhood level.
The majority of people agree that:

Immigrants are good for Australia’s economy (86%)

Multiculturalism has been good for Australia (89%)
4 out of 5
We continue to support and engage in democracy through our words and actions

of people have written or spoken to an MP, attended a protest or joined a boycott in the last three years.
Up from 33% in November 2020

More than 9 in 10
people (92%) agree that democracy is a good way to govern Australia
The proportion of people who communicate with Members of Parliament, join boycotts, gather to resolve local problems, or post about politics online is consistent with previous years.
I love how in Australia, sometimes the opposition or even the people can come up with ideas and propose those ideas and they can be heard. Whereas in other countries you have to be careful.
In the richness of the Mapping Social Cohesion survey data, we begin to understand the patchwork of factors that contribute to Australia’s social fabric, and how its many pieces interlink and influence one another.
In 2023, we have seen higher levels of financial stress and concern for economic inequalities and fairness, less trust in government, and a weaker sense of national pride and belonging.
In spite of these challenges, we continue to recognise and celebrate our ethnic and cultural diversity; we remain strongly connected in our neighbourhoods; and we remain engaged in our democracy.
While the challenges Australians face are substantial and varied, the 2023 findings help to identify where future efforts to strengthen social cohesion are best focused — and where solutions could be found.

Our results indicate that many of the challenges are connected. Cost-of-living pressures are likely contributing to increased financial stress and increased concern for economic inequality. These, in turn, are connected to a declining sense of national belonging, increased pessimism for the future and declining trust in government. Community and government efforts to strengthen economic wellbeing, while supporting and drawing on the strength of our social connections and wellbeing, can go a long way to ensuring a cohesive, resilient and vibrant society in the years to come.

Media enquiries:
Jen Sharpe | | (03) 9682 0259