Publications Index

17 July 2023
In our eleventh narrative, journalist Peter Mares sheds light on the challenges faced by thousands of distressed families caught in parent visa processing delays.
31 January 2023
In our tenth narrative, well-respected higher education journalist John Ross considers the opportunity for secondary schools to help create stronger, more connected communities.
22 August 2022
In our ninth narrative, author Caroline Zielinski explores if there is a fair and equitable inclusion of migrant communities in Australia’s political system.
8 March 2022

In our latest Narrative, authors Rick Morton and Trish Prentice unpack the cultural blindspots found within the aged care system and address alternative ways that institutions can respond to the needs of a diverse and ageing population within Australia.

27 October 2021
In the face of large-scale immigration and change, author James Button talks with the proud residents of Blacktown, NSW.
21 December 2020
There has been considerable growth over the past 20 years in migration from Asia. Chinese-Australians have been a part of this growth. In many respects, though, the stories of Asian Australians have not been told. However in the streets of Box Hill – a suburb in Melbourne’s east with one of the highest concentrations of Chinese-born residents in Australia – we can sense an emerging pride.
12 July 2020
The COVID-19 lockdowns of Melbourne’s high-rise towers have painted a picture of a community in crisis. But what is life really like in “the Flats”? A generation of young African-Australians grew up in public housing. Their confident voices shed new light on a rapidly changing nation.
30 January 2020
While the economic risks of declining international student enrolments have been recently reported, this narrative explores how the divide between Australia and its Chinese students, exacerbated by broader political tensions arising from the “China debate,” also pose a threat to social cohesion – both on campus and beyond.
18 July 2019
This narrative explores the current landscape of English language learning among migrants and refugees in Australia and, in particular, examines the state of Australia's Adult Migrant English Program (AMEP).
12 June 2019
Australia's temporary migrants are not officially part of the nation, but they are changing it.
10 October 2018
This paper for the Scanlon Institute for Applied Social Cohesion Research draws on recent research and writing from Australian and international universities, think tanks and media to shed light on the great transformation that mass migration is producing in nearly all western societies, along with great anxiety in some.