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New essay: Religion and resilience during COVID-19

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We’re all in the same boat. Stories of adaption and resilience from Australia’s religious communities in the time of COVID-19

On 29 March 2020, places of religious worship in Australia were effectively closed.

What does it mean for people to lose their place of worship? Places that are the centre of people’s social and spiritual lives?

For religious communities around Australia, lockdown has required new ways of doing things. It’s meant changing practices that are essential in providing a sense of community and shared identity, and altering traditions that give meaning to day-to-day life.

In this essay for the Scanlon Foundation Research Institute, Trish Prentice explores the ramifications of these closures, and considers the potential long-term effects. She shares stories from religious communities around the country, asking the question: how have they changed in the wake of the pandemic?

Read the full essay here.

How has COVID-19 and the closing of your place of worship impacted your religious community?

The Scanlon Foundation Research Institute is building a picture of how religious communities have adapted to having their places of worship closed, and the new regulations that will govern their activities once they reopen.
We know every community is unique and we need your stories to help complete the picture.

Click here or email to share your religious community’s story.

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