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Strong communities don’t just happen: Springvale’s story

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In our twelfth narrative, authors Prof Andrew Markus and Trish Prentice provides insight into the strong social foundation built by the Springvale community over time, and how under substantial pandemic pressure, the community was able to rally in an example of the power of a cohesive community.

‘Strong communities don’t just happen – Springvale’s story’, shows us that cohesive communities take time to build, but it also teaches us that with the right investment and unwavering commitment, social cohesion is possible for all Australian communities.

Through a series of interviews, weaving significant events and a deep dive into Springvale’s history, Prof Andrew Markus and Trish Prentice provides insight into the strong social foundation built by the Springvale community over time, and how under substantial pandemic pressure, the community was able to rally in an example of the power of a cohesive community.

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