Refugee Experiences in Australia Study

Take part in this important study. We want to hear from you about your experiences of settling in Australia in the Refugee and Humanitarian Integration Research Project!

Have you arrived in Australia in the last 10 years and entered with a refugee or humanitarian visa? Having your voice heard through doing this survey is one way you can help contribute to improving settlement journeys for the next refugees and humanitarian entrants who come to Australia.


What is this study about?

Refugee and Humanitarian Integration Research Project is a national study about important social issues such as social connectedness and sense of belonging. 

The purpose of the study is to improve our understanding of the diverse experiences of new Australians who were refugee or humanitarian entrants.

We want to hear about your experience of settling in Australia, and if and how you have been supported since arriving here. We also want to hear about your experience and views on belonging and connection to Australia.

The research will not ask you why or how you came to Australia. Instead, they will focus on how things have been for you since settling in Australia and if anything could have been done to improve that experience.

It is a great opportunity to share your personal views and to have your voice heard about experiences since arriving in Australia.


Who is doing the study?

The study is an initiative of the Scanlon Foundation Research Institute, an independent organisation dedicated to social cohesion (

The study is being run by the Social Research Centre, part of the Australian National University. Department of Home Affairs have provided funding for this research.


Why is it important?

This study aims to give voice to people who have settled in Australia via a refugee or humanitarian visa in the last 10 years.

Results will be published in reports that aim to tell us more about social connectedness and sense of belonging for new Australians and to influence key decision makers and policy in Australia.


What do I need to do?

To be part of Refugee and Humanitarian Integration Research Project, one adult (aged 18 years or over) from your household will need to complete a 15 minute online survey.

To access the survey click on the following link: Go to INSERT LINK using your mobile or tablet. Please note that you will require a mobile phone number to complete the survey.


Why should I take part?

The more people who join, the better the results will reflect the different experiences of people who have settled in Australia via a refugee or humanitarian visa.

We will also share key findings from the study with you and let you know how the results will be used.


Who is eligible?

To participate in the research, you must:

•             be over the age of 18 years  

•             a resident in Australia as of the date of interview

•             have been granted a refugee or non-refugee humanitarian visa between 1 June 2011 and 31 December 2023. This includes those who have become citizens. You do need not be the primary applicant and may be a family member who was granted the same visa as a secondary applicant.


Do I have to participate?

No. Participation is entirely voluntary.

If you do choose to participate, you can stop at any time. You can also choose not to answer any question as you go through the survey.

It is a great opportunity to share your personal views and to have your voice heard about your experiences since arriving in Australia.


Are there any risks?

Because we are asking for your personal opinions and for basic information about your household, we are very aware of the need to protect you from any risks associated with this.

The Social Research Centre has a whole number of systems in place to protect you from any risk (see “How is my privacy protected?”).

It will not change what support or assistance you receive from the Government or other services.


Are my answers confidential?

Yes, your survey responses will remain strictly confidential.

Your personal information will not be linked with your answers so you can not be identified in anyway through your responses.


What’s in it for me?

Sharing your experiences will help improve the support available to humanitarian entrants and refugees when they arrive in Australia.

As acknowledgement of your time, participants will receive a payment of $20 value e-gift card.


Is this research ethical?

The Bellberry Human Research Ethics Committee has reviewed and approved this study in accordance with the National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research (2023) incorporating all updates. This Statement has been developed to protect the interests of people who agree to participate in human research studies. Should you wish to discuss the study or view a copy of the Complaint procedure with someone not directly involved, particularly in relation to matters concerning policies, information or complaints about the conduct of the study or your rights as a participant, you may contact the Operations Manager, Bellberry Limited on 08 8361 3222.


How is my privacy protected?

Your privacy is protected by Australian law. The study is carried out in compliance with

The Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) and the Australian Privacy Principles.

Only the Social Research Centre has access to your contact details. These are stored separately from the survey data and securely destroyed when no longer needed. Any other potentially

identifying information is removed from the data before it is sent to the Scanlon Foundation Research Institute.

The Social Research Centre’s Privacy Policy is available at:


Do you speak another language?

The survey and information in this brochure is also available in 10 other languages:

Arabic, Assyrian, Burmese, Chin, Dari, Hazaraghi, Karen, Nepali, Swahili, and Tigrinya.




For further information and enquiries

The research is being conducted by Anthea Hancocks, CEO of the Scanlon Foundation Research Institute and Kylie Brosnan of the Social Research Centre. If you have any questions about the study, please email:

If you have any concerns or complaints, please contact:

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